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Nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions,... are parts of speech which are easy to point out.  Adverbs are tricky words, though. They usually give students a hard time because they find it difficult to identify them.

Adverbs can tell you when, where, why, how and to what extent something happens.

They are words or expressions that may:
    - describe a verb: "She dances beautifully";
    - modify an adjective: "The exam turned out to be very easy";
    - modify another adverb: "I can´t understand him: he speaks very quickly";
    - or even modify an entire sentence:

"Fortunately, we arrived on time for the flight".

Many adverbs are formed by adding the suffix -ly to some adjectives (quick- quickly; true - truly; happy- happily,...). However, neither all adverbs end in -ly (always, never, just, well,...) nor all the words ending in -ly are adverbs (friendly, lonely, lively).


"She sang beautifully last night".

And one more thing: some adverbs have exactly the same form as the corresponding adjective (hard, fast, late, early, left, right, long, wrong, high)

     - "He was driving extremely fast when the police stopped him".
     - "She´s got a fast car".

The position of adverbs is not a simple matter either. Although, to a certain extent, there is some freedom to place them in the sentence, there are some rules which must be observed.

Perhaps you would find it useful to have a look at the following PowerPoint Presentation about word order and adverbs.

Wordorder adverbs from Lola Domínguez
Now, try the following exercises:

If you still feel you need further practice, you could click on the following links and work on them:
Adverb or Adjective?
Adverbs with two Forms and Different Meanings
Adverbs often Confused
Quiz on Adverbs

- Adverb
Kind Of Adverbs & it's Degrees Position & Exercise of Adverb Use Of Adverb "too" "very" "very much" & its Exercise List Of Some typical Adverbs  Exercise Of Adverbs ...

- List Of Some Typical Adverbs
 adverbs "Too" / "Even" These both adverbs have same sense but ?too? is used for to put emphasis and ?even? is like when we say anything that doesn?t happened according to our expectation or desire. For example my friends  support me and...

- Position & Exercise Of Adverb
Position of adverbs to use adverb at the right place is very important, otherwise the wrong use of adverb will make sense of your sentence completely wrong. Like - He can sing only. (He can only sing cant? do anything else) he only can sing. He only can...

- Adverbs Of Frequency (always,sometimes,never)
We use some adverbs to describe how frequently we do an activity.These are called adverbs of frequency and include: Frequency Adverb of Frequency Example Sentence 100% always I always go to bed before 11pm. 90% usually I usually have...

- Adjective Verb Adverb
   Adjective is always a qualifying word and it always qualifies only a Noun or a Pronoun. Adjective is an attributive word and it always attributes either a Noun or a Pronoun.  It may be said that Adjectives are the adjuncts to a...

Learn English
