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Bad Effects of Watching TV for Children
Bad Effects of Watching TV for Children
Watching TV for children is an enjoyable activity for them. Children who watch TV programs too much have several bad effects, three of which are effect to their cognitive, effect to their health, and effect to their habit. First effect is to their cognitive. Children who watch TV programs can be lack of concentration. When he or she watches a TV program, they just need some minutes to concentrate because the program will be divided by the advertisements. Then, they will have a simple mindset because when they watch a TV program, they do not need to think much and they are less able to think critically. They are also difficult to imagine something because when they watch a TV program, they just need to look and listen. The second effect is to their health. The child who likes to watch TV programs can be in front of it many hours. If the children watch TV programs too much, they will have a problem with their eyes. May be her or his eyes will be tired fast and then she or he will has a nearsighted and more eyes problems. Another problem to their health is they probably will have a bad development on their body such as overweight because they choose to watch a TV program and they rarely exercise. The third effect is their habit. When the children watch TV programs too much, they will have a bad habit. They become lazy to do something else such as study because they do not want to miss the TV programs. It will influence their intelligence. When he or she stays along in front of a TV and does not do something else such as plays with his or her friends or family, probably he or she will become an individual person. Another bad effect to their habit is they will be influenced a violence in some TV programs because they have not been able to think long and think what is better or bad. In brief, watching TV programs too much will give the children bad effects. Therefore, we as an old brother or sister should reduce the habit of watching TV too much to our young brother or sister.
AA/ 120221415003
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