How Child Language Development?
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How Child Language Development?

By : Mirzatus Solikhah (120221414998)

The moment hearing your baby?s first word would be exciting. Child language development is an incredible journey. As time goes by, that first word will grow up into a sentence and then finally it will become such a conversation. There are eight typical-language-skill steps from 0 month until 6 years old. Firstly, at the age of 0 to 6 months, crying in different ways to say that they hurt, wet, hungry, or lonely. They will make noises to voice displeasure or satisfaction. For instance, theybabble through laughing and cooing. That sound will be heard such as ah, ah, ah. In this step, they start to recognize and look for familiar voices and sounds. Those voices might be from the parents? voice, any instrument, etc. Secondly, at the age of 6 to 12 months, they will respond to name. They are able to understand some of familiar objects. For example, ball, book, and chair. Then theyshow interest in picture book and pay attention to the conversation. Theymight be able to say his first word in this step. Maybe theysay ?Ma-ma? or ?Da-da?. Thirdly, at the age of 12 to 18 months, theywill be able to identify family members and familiar objects. Theymight recognize his mother, father, brother(s) or sister(s). They shall point to few body parts such as nose, ears, and eyes. They will imitate familiar noises like cars, planes, birds and repeat a few words they know. Theywill look at the person talking and ask for something by pointing or using one word. If reminded, they will say ?Hi? or ?Bye?. Moreover, theystart to be able to identify an object in a picture book. Fourthly, at the age of 18 months to 2 years, they say about 50 words, though theycould understand much more. They use two to three word sentences like ?Daddy bye-bye,? ?All gone?. In addition, they use the words ?Bye,?Hi,? ?Please,? and ?Thank you? if prompted. Theyhum or try to sing simple songs and listen to short rhymes or finger plays. It is also the step when theyoften echo single words which are spoken by someone else. Theywill talk to self and jabber expressively. Fifthly, at the age of 2 to 3 years, theycould identify up to 10 pictures in a book when objects are named. They repeat words are spoken by someone else. Theyuse some simple phrases and sentence. Furthermore, theystart to say plural and past tense words. Theyalso respond when called by name and respond to simple directions. In this step, their vocabularies expand up to 500 words. Theyenjoy with stories, rhymes, and songs. Theyenjoy looking at books too. Sixthly, at the age of 3 to 4 years, theywill be able to talk so 75 to 80 percent of speech is understandable. For instance, they could introduce themselves by saying their own first and last name. They understand the location like over, under, on, in together with understanding now, soon and later. They could talk in complete sentences of 3 to 5 words: ?Mommy is drinking a juice.? ?There is a big dog.? Additionally, they are able to identify common colours such as black, white, yellow,and green. Seventhly, at the age of 4 to 5 years, they recognize some letters if taught and may be able to print own name. They speak in fairly complex sentences-?The baby ate the cookie before I could put it on the table.? Further, theyadapt language to listener?s level of understanding. To baby sister: ?Daddy go bye-bye.? To mother: ?Daddy went to the store.? They much learns talking and carrying on elaborate conversation.  Moreover, they love to tell jokes which may not make any sense to adults. Last, at the age of 5 to 6 years, they speak with correct grammar and word form. Theyexpress self in pretend play. Then they are able to write first name, some letters, and number. They are also able to read simple words such as ant, fish, frog. In conclusion,  language is an awesome skill for children to master, and it is a development that many parents really look forward to. The best way to encourage your child?s speech and language development is to talk together frequently and naturally.

E-book :
Oesterreich, Lesia. 2004. Understanding Children: Language development, extension family life specialist. Lowa State University.

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