It's "A Piece of Cake"
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It's "A Piece of Cake"

The sample phrase is idiomatic expression and you can commonly hear them from the native speakers, I made a sample just to show you how to use the word "a piece of cake" in the conversation.

                                     ?A PIECE OF CAKE?

Person1: Hey! Buddy, my grandma will visit me on this coming week.

Person2: Really?

Person1: Yeah! That?s what I said, and I?m going to bake a special cake for her.

Person2: It sounded far-fetched; I never thought you know how to bake a cake.

Person1: In fact baking cake it?s just A PIECE OF CAKE.

1. A Piece of Cake; this phrase means it's "Very Easy"
2. Sounded far-fetched; this phrase means, it's "Unbelievable"

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