Jennifer ESL - Great English Teacher on YouTube
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Jennifer ESL - Great English Teacher on YouTube


In the past, we?ve already talked about several people that teach English on YouTube (Paul: Learn American English Online, Mister Duncan, Mrthoth, Steve Ford). All of them were male teachers, today, we?re happy to introduce a female teacher whose classes and videos are also brilliant.

Jennifer is the name of this teacher and she?s produced more than 100 videos for ESL (English as a Second Language) students.

With Jennifer?s videos you can improve many skills of your English because her videos are focused on different aspects like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and intonation. As an example, you can watch the following video about idioms and sayings about the kitchen:

Link to the video on YouTube

Her videos are all-inclusive as they contain an introduction about the lesson, a more detailed explanation and exercises which you can practice.

To discover all the videos from Jennifer you can visit her channel on YouTube called JenniferESL.

You can also visit her personal website where you?ll be able to get to know Jennifer better and find more material to learn English.

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