level 1 clothes
Learn English

level 1 clothes



Men's Clothing
A black suit
 A cotton shirt
   A black leather belt
  A tie
         A scarf

Women's clothing
     A red dress
 A white blouse
A skirt
 A woman's leather belt
A knitted scarf

 Uni-sex clothing
 A jacket
    A raincoat
A t-shirt 
 A cap
 A sweater
  Blue jeans

English exercise "Clothes" 

- Day 15

- Beethoven
MAHARANI KHANSA - 120221414982 [ Diamond Shape ] Beethovenwas                        agreat     musician.          ...

- Simple Sentences Fill-ups With Has, Have And Had
Use Has, Have, Had 1. My grandmother ..... a fruit basket. 2. ..... you any good book to read? 3. My father ..... this car. 4. ..... children not any  stickers to paste yesterday? 5. Ramu ..... a new pen. 6. ..... shopkeeper not this type of...

- Simple Sentences Fill-ups With Was And Were
Use of Was, Were 1. That king ......... cruel. 2. My friends ..... not timid. 3. ...... bird very small? 4. Her almirah ..... very clean. 5. Sparrows ..... hungry. 6. ..... her friends with her? 7. Those days I ..... very tensed. 8. ..... her class...

- Learning Nouns In English
A noun is the name of a person, place, thing or quality. Nouns are divided into five parts:         1. Proper Nouns         2. Common Nouns        ...

Learn English
