Mobile stats for 2010 and 2011
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Mobile stats for 2010 and 2011

I can?t help but be bowled over when I try to get my head around exactly how many people are doing useful tasks on their phones.

There are always a flurry of stylish YouTube presentations around this time of year, showcasing the ?growth of mobile? ? here is one I like:

We are in the midst of some ?deep dive? research at the moment, which is cool (because we have very current stats), but it does also turn us into cynics, as we realise how easy it is to over-sell the feel-good factor.

Many of the stats are by their nature skewed. A good rule of thumb is that ?the more financially viable, the more accurate the stats?. So if you want to know mobile internet usage in Ghana ? you will struggle. But if you want to know which mobile apps are bought most in the USA ? easy!

I like the stats, above, as they are a pretty accurate, global summary. We will be uploading some of our own perspectives on this in the future

- Mobile Economy 2013
I've just got my hands on the video used to open Mobile World Congress 2013The first half is a full volume, fun romp through the massive growth of mobile over the past 20 years, and some predictions for the next 5. Well worth a watch. Some great stats...

- Mobimooc 2011 - A Summary
The first ever MobiMOOC (Massively online course on mobile learning) happened earlier this year. Were you there? If not, we have saved all the links, and best bits into our MobiMOOC 2011 summary. MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses, normally free...

- Quick Guide To Low Cost Ict Devices For 3rd World
For several years, those nice people at infoDev / World Bank have been keeping a (slowly aging) list of excellent, low cost technology cheap and robust enough to be used in the developing world.   Great list ? but almost impossible to keep uptodate....

- M-learning In Australia
It has been a funny week ? I was invited, at very short notice, to present our mobile learning work to the Department of Education, in Australia! (New South Wales, to be specific) It was a real honour to be sent there. We spent 4 days working with schools...

- The Mobile Web Is Alive And Well ... In Africa!
We know the take up of mobile phones in Africa has been way faster than ever expected: 18 months ago, there were already more mobile than fixed-line phonesmany more people have access to a mobile phone than a landline onemobile networks are sidestepping...

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