Movie Trailer ESL Listening - Catching Fire
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Movie Trailer ESL Listening - Catching Fire

The Hunger Games was one of the most popular youth sci-fi movies in recent history and the Hunger Games Listening, Speaking and Grammar Activities continue to be some of the most popular parts of the ESL Commando website. Catching Fire, the sequel to the Hunger Games,  promises to be just as exciting.

This is a listening quiz that asks students to identify adverb clause signal words and adverb clauses for Catching Fire.


- Movie Trailer Esl Grammar : Mockingjay - Prepositions
This is a beginner prepositions exercise for ESL. Mockingjay will be the 1st part to trilogy that completes the hunger games. See how you do on this fun Mockingjay ESL grammar exercise. Also, be sure to check out all of my other Hunger Games and other...

- The Top Listening Activities On The Esl Commando Website
These are the top recent listening activities for the ESL Commando listening website. Enjoy! Movie Trailer Listening - Thor 2Movie Trailer Listening - Hunger GamesMovie Trailer Listening - Catching FireMovie Trailer Listening - WolverineMovie Trailer...

- Movie Trailer Esl Speaking And Listening - The Hunger Games
Attached is a worksheet that could be used for almost any level Listening Speaking Class.  It includes an opening discussion, True/False listening, and then a short activation activity for speaking.  You can also check out the Grammar...

- Movie Trailer Esl Grammar Activity - The Hunger Games Esl Lesson
This activity uses listening and the Hunger Games to help students practice the unreal conditional in here  to download, or look below to preview the worksheet. Please also check out new Catching Fire Activities.  The "If...then" format is used,...

- Adverb Clause Game - Sentence Jumble
Here is a great game that teachers can have their students use to learn adverb clause order, punctuation, and meaning.  Feel free to download and distribute! If you're looking for more grammar activities, check out the Hunger Games Classroom...

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