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Do you know about the announcement about SASTRASWATI Soul time? Now, I want to tell you about the poster.The poster is very interesting to me. The most important thing that makes me interested about the poster is the event. It is all about performing your style and talent on the stage. The performance of SASTRASWATI Soul time is band, acoustic, theater/opera, poem, dance, art performance, short movies, and many more. Another important thing about the poster is the combinationof color of the picture.From the picture I know there are many people and the situation is too crowded.Theyenjoyed the showbecause the show wassofestive andspectacular.Moreover, the performancesheldinfree. The one reason that that madeno senseofthe posterthereisa ghostimageon thetree. What is the functionofthe ghost? Theymayalso want toinvitethe ghosttoparticipatein the event. It was veryfunny. Finally, that is explanation about SASTRASWATI Soul time 2013. I hopethe eventruns smoothly andhilariously.
MAHARANI KHANSA - 120221414982 [ Order of Important ] Do you know about the fresh event in The Faculty of Letters State University of Malang ? There will be ?Sastraswati?. There are three important points...
Poster ?sastraswati?
Poster ?Sastraswati? When you look at an announcement board, what is it that interests you? What kind of poster attracts you? I have one poster about an event which is very impressive. ...
We always have many tasks to do every day. We start our activities at 04.00 am until 12.00 am. Of course, we need some more interesting activities to do, like refreshing, travelling, shopping, go to the concert, and etc. We also can go to an event that...
Three days ago I went to Grammar class in the second floor of Q3 building. I saw an interesting poster on the white board. The most interesting thing from the poster is the picture. It describes about the crowd of the show. Many people gather and have...
Do you know a new event in Faculty of Letters University of Malang? The event will be Sastraswati. Sastraswati is an event to make the student of Faculty of Letters? relation closer. The most interesting thing of this event is this event will offer...
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