See you at Alt-C ?
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See you at Alt-C ?

If you are going to be at ALT-C this year, I will be presenting some of our mobile authoring tools on wednesday afternoon at 13:30.

Details of the talk are on the conference site. I will be showcasing some of the great things that our partners and clients have been doing with our authoring tools. Highlights include:

- The Unite project and specifically some great mobile learning activities in the two UK schools

- The ALPs project with Leeds Met University who used the mediaBoard as an e-portfolio

- Some fantastic resources for 5 yr olds made in a Wolverhampton primary school, part of the Learning2Go group

- Work-based skills audits from the transport, catering and customer service industries

I would love to meet some of the blog readers - see you there?


- M-learning In Australia
It has been a funny week ? I was invited, at very short notice, to present our mobile learning work to the Department of Education, in Australia! (New South Wales, to be specific) It was a real honour to be sent there. We spent 4 days working with schools...

- British Schools Scoop Usa Mobile Learning Award!
Mobile Learning is starting - slowly - to build momentum in the states, and today that momentum picked up some speed. At mobilelearning09, a discrete collection of the main players in US industry, education and government got together in the President's...

- One Day Course In Mobile Learning - A Bargain!
Anybody going to MLearn2008? It is happening in the UK this year, and promises to provide a great collection of speakers. BUT - did you know about the workshops the day before? Whether you are attending the main conference or not, you are still able to...

- 5 Year Olds Need Mobile, Playful Ict Instead Of Laptops!
Teaching ICT to primary aged children using tools designed for office-based adults isn't the best approach. This is the result of a study recently completed at Stirling University in Scotland, which found that it was far more helpful to get them started...

- Mobile Assessment?
We have had a lot of interest from schools and HE recently about using mobile quizzes, and mediaBoards for assessment. In fact, I was taken a bit by surprise by the eagerness of different practitioners to assess learner skills - though in hindsight I...

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