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Travel category:
* What is flight booking like?
* What means of traveling you choose for your trip?
* Is traveling an educative experience? Discuss.
* Tell about a visit to a famous city
* Talk about an adventure in a forest
* Describe some of the interesting places in your country
* Talk about an incident you will never forget.
* Talk about a horrible sight you experienced.
* Living in a multiracial community

- Talk About An Ideal House
Talk about an ideal house At first when I thought of purchasing a house, I wanted one that was neither too far nor too near a town. If it was too far, I may feel lonely and then, there was the question of transport. Finally, I chose an elevated, land...

- Bài Lu?n Ti?ng Anh
This is the list of essays whose topics are not very popular: Women should be at home to take care of their children? Geography study make great contribution to development The appeal of science fiction Smoking cigarette in my opinion is a bad habit Where...

- Knowledge
Knowledge category: * Describe a pet which you have kept. * Discuss science and its effects. * Talk about the rights and duties of a citizen * Is traveling an educative experience? Discuss. * What is flight booking like? * Talk about the value of music...

- Value Of Traveling
Is traveling an educative experience? Discuss. Photo: Value of traveling Photo Source: There are many reasons for travel. When it involves a short trip or a vacation away from home, it is generally for the purpose of building...

- What Means Of Traveling You Choose For Your Trip?
What means of traveling you choose for your trip? Photo: Which do you prefer? Photo Source: When you are on holiday and intend to go to the seaside or travel abroad as a tourist, you should first of all decide on the means of traveling....

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