Where have I been?!
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Where have I been?!

Hello everyone and happy new (Gregorian calendar) year. Happy Chinese new year too!

It's been a while since I've posted anything here so I just thought I'd let people know that I am alive and well, but have been trying to take some time out from internet use. I spent a lot of time over Christmas and the new year working hard on assignments for my MA course, which was quite stressful and very draining. I have some strong procrastination genes somewhere in my DNA and everything was a bit last minute! So after that, I really needed to take a break from thinking about anything to do with work or studying.

Now the second semester of the MA has just begun and I've got a distinct 'back to school' feeling which is never good. Perhaps it's just because my mum didn't buy me a shiny new pencil case. 

Another reason for avoiding the computer is that fact that I've been suffering from some strange and sometimes painful sensations (and creaking and clicking) in my wrists, elbows and shoulders, a reminder that this technology malarkey is not entirely good for your health. Spending long periods in front of a computer screen can damage joints, your back  and your eyes, not too mention the headaches. I think it's important that this health and safety stuff, regardless of how boring it is, should be taught to the learners we work with, particularly younger learners. We often discuss how important it is to guide learners in internet safety, but we should remember that physical and mental health and safety is important as well.

Anyway, there you go. I'll be trying to put up some new posts when inspiration strikes.


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Learn English
