A wonderful video for all teachers
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A wonderful video for all teachers

This video was posted by @ddeubel on his blog EFL Classroom 2.0 which is a blog that I really love. He's chosen this as the #1 video for English language teachers. 

It's a tremendously moving video about a Japanese teacher and his class. Their objective for the year is to "understand how to live a happy life (and) how to care for other people". What a wonderful syllabus objective?!

Find more videos like this on Seoul Education Training Institute

The great thing for me about the video is the fantastic relationship between the teacher and the students: the great empathy, the friendliness and the physical contact. Above all, the physical contact. Here is a teacher with his primary students, doing high-fives, hugging and consoling, joking around and even playfully wrestling with one. 

As a male British teacher, working in Europe, I was struck by the fact that I have been forced into a mind-set that says - don't touch kids

When I started teaching in 2003, I worked in Portugal and there had recently been a high profile paedophile case involving a British teacher in a language school. As a result, we were told by the directors to try not to touch the kids at any time and never to be in a room alone with them, particularly male teachers with female students. This has also been a procedure at other school's I've taught at, summer schools in the UK particularly. Some advice has been that if a student wants to talk after class you should move towards the door, leave it open and talk in the doorway, meaning that others can see you, just to protect the teacher from any potential difficulties.

In Spain, where the culture is far more touchy-feely than the UK, I've been made to feel uncomfortable by little kids wanting to hold my hand, sit on my knee during a story or cling to my leg, just to be playful. These are perfectly normal things that are now seen as dangerous or wrong by many. I don't think that there's any need for the kids to sit on my knee, that's taking it a bit far, but kids being tactile is perfectly natural and maybe some of the discipline problems I've had are because they see me as cold. Who knows? I'm not a cold person and I do laugh and joke with the kids, but maybe I appear distant by never allowing physical contact.

I love the idea of high-fives. My friend who teaches in the same town always does this and it's great when I've seen the kids run up to him and slap hands in the street. I'm thinking of using this as a hello or goodbye routine, or both! Maybe I could use a handshake for some good work? Neither of these things should be considered strange and are totally acceptable forms of contact. I still don't think I'd be happy giving hugs though, I would be genuinely worried about it being misinterpreted - though maybe I'm paranoid.

What do you think? 

Other thoughts on physical contact with YLs here at Ranting Manor. 

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