Giving Advices / Suggestions in English
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Giving Advices / Suggestions in English

Sometimes people ask us for some advice. Here are ten phrases you can use when you are making suggestions.

Ten Expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing

1.    I reckon you should stop now
2.    Why don't you stop now?
3.    How about stopping now?
4.    If I were you, I'd stop now.
5.    I suggest you stop now
6.    You'd (really) better stop right now.
7.    I would strongly advise you to stop
8.    My advice would be to stop now
9.    It might be a good idea to stop
10.  You might try stopping

 How To Use These Phrases In Your English
1.    Phrases 1, 2, 3 and 4 are quite informal. Phrases 2 and 3 are more tentative (you are trying not to be forceful with your ideas).
2.    Phrase 4 is more forceful than the first three suggestion phrases.
3.    Phrase 5 is neutral and can be used formally and informally. Using more stress on 'gest' of 'suggest' makes it more tentative and more stress on the main verb makes it more forceful.
4.    Phrase 6 is quite forceful and gives the idea that not following the advice will have a negative result.
5.    Phrases 7 and 8 are quite formal in tone. Phrase 7 is really quite forceful and phrase 8 less forceful.

6.    Phrases 9 and 10 are the most tentative phrases (least forceful). Phrase 10 sounds more informal than phrase 9.

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