How to Speak English without the Help of a Teacher
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How to Speak English without the Help of a Teacher

NEIL:    Now-a-days you are speaking good English.  How have you improved so fast?

ROSY:    My teacher gave me a few tips, I followed diligently. 

NEIL:  My brother is able to write but he hesitates in speaking.  Would you tell me the tips for him please?

ROSY:  1st tip is to read conversations loudly.  Go to and read a conversation loudly five times. Read one or two conversations every day.  It will tune up your mind to speak fluently.

NEIL:  Very easy procedure.

ROSY:   And it is the simplest one.  People rarely follow it because they don?t know its value. 

NEIL:    What is the 2nd tip?

ROSY:   2nd tip is to learn to speak in a particular situation.   Everyday make a couple of calls in English.  Keep a newspaper on your table.  Read ads.  Call any where just to take some information.  In the beginning you can write your sentences on a paper and memorise them.  It will help to remove hesitation.

NEIL:  Excellent tip again.  Anyone can follow these easy tips.  What is the 3rd tip?

ROSY:   Get a habit of speaking in English with your friends and family members.  If you can?t have a whole conversation in English you can speak only a few sentences in English.  It will build your confidence further. 

NEIL:  What are the last two tips?

ROSY:   Write a 50 words paragraph on any topic.  Read it loudly standing before a mirror.  You can also get situation speaking from for this purpose.  The last tip is to write 10 questions everyday relating to any conversation.  If you can make questions easily you can have a conversation with others confidently.

NEIL:  Who will check that you are making questions correctly? 

ROSY:   No need for anybody to check.  When you read conversations loudly every day you also learn questions.  The point is just practice them in writing.

NEIL:  I am impressed with these tips and I am sure if my brother follows them he will improve very fast, otherwise he may not be able to speak English fluently for several years.

ROSY:  He will definitely improve a lot if he follows the tips just for one month.

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